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                                                                   1. General

For E-Bango Investment Management it is important to provide information that contributes to the financial decisions of our clients. For this, we favor the comprehensive disclosure of: (i) the characteristics and performance of the Funds (regardless of the
name that is applicable in the corresponding country, including and without limitation Investment Funds, Mutual Funds or any other
type of collective investment vehicle), (ii) Of the range of services offered to the investing public

and, (iii) Regarding the various entities of E- Bango Investment Management, we highlight their technical capacity, efficiency and



The management and/or advertising strategy includes not only specialized content, but also the experience
and track record of the teamsin each of the countries in which E-Bango IM has a cross-sectional presence (the “Content Strategy”). Said Content Strategy will be carried out through various media and applications or web platforms that facilitate contact between related individuals in them (“Social Networks”).

Indistinctly, the objective of the Content Strategy is to inform the public of the financial products offered by E-BANGO IM, as well as generalities of the financial markets of the various countries in which E-BANGO IM has a presence. At all times, the information published on Social Networks and/or on this site is provided for illustrative purposes only. The general purpose is to encourage and create awareness among the public and, in turn, to guide it with respect to the financial market and the range of services offered by E- BANGO IM to the investing public, being necessarily be taken into account neither the objectives, nor the needs or financial situation of any person considered individually. The Content Strategy may contain future oriented information and, therefore, is based on current expectations and projections about future events and trends, with high probability of variation and in every case subject to risks, uncertainties and other type of factors.

                                                            2. Product Information

The information presented hereby, as well as any other information that E-BANGO IM publishes through any media is property of E-BANGO IM. The copyright and intellectual property rights over the Content Strategy are exclusive property of E-BANGO IM or its controllers and are protected under the
applicable legislation. In no event shall the Content Strategy, either in whole or in part, be copied, reproduced, disclosed or marketed

without the express authorization of E- BANGO IM as author or owner of the intellectual property rights.

E-BANGO IM has various Funds and/or financial products in the countries where it has presence. The detailed information of each of the current financial products must be consulted on the internet pages of the entities belonging to E-BANGO IM, so that the information contained in the Content Strategy
cannot be considered part of a prospectus, supplement or any public or private offer of any value, or complementary to any of the above.

The information contained in the messages or articles of the Content Strategy corresponds to the capacity of investment services carried out by E-BANGO IM entities. All the information published regarding the financial services must be complemented with the information of the prospectuses addressed to the public or participation regulations or any other information that by regulation is established in the countries in which E-BANGO IM is present.

The information set forth herein is limited to the nature and characteristics of the Fund’s securities or the product in question, or to the organization, activities or operations that E-BANGO IM entities may provide.

3. Applicable Regulation

 the other entities of E-BANGO IM are entities regulated and supervised by the financial authorities of the countries in which E-BANGO IM has a presence.

All advertisement of the Funds, products or services offered in the world, shall be filed before to the e-mail after
its publication, transmission, presentation or. public disclosure as the case may be, not later than the business day following the publication, thus it shall be considered that the publication shall be done in the time set forth in the corresponding regulation. In no case the information that has been presented to the regulator of the country that is applicable will imply that the regulator recommends or guarantees the investment made in a Fund, product or services of one of E-BANGO IM entities.


                                                                 4. Liability limitations

Under no circumstances should it be understood that the information published by E-BANGO IM seeks to provide security, generate confidence, and ensure soundness, efficiency or any other similar qualification regarding the financial qualities of a product, Funds, security or a E-BANGO IM entity.
Likewise, the information contained in the Content Strategy published on any media and/or the present website, is not intended to guarantee the result, success or returns on investments. To know the investment profile that applies to you, as well as the corresponding risk profile, please contact E-BANGO IM to receive personalized advice. Under no circumstances the information contained in the Content Strategy should be considered as an offer, solicitation and / or recommendation to buy and / or sell securities (stake, shares or any other similar that corresponds) in any of the Funds managed by E-BANGO IM, or be considered as basis to transact and/or formalize legal actions or any similar actions or in any jurisdiction. Likewise, the information contained in the Content Strategy cannot be considered as a financial, legal, tax, accounting or any other recommendation, therefore under nocircumstances should it be considered as a recommendation with respect to any Fund or security. The information contained in the Content Strategy is not intended to represent
the future performance of any of the Funds or E-BANGO IM products.

We warn any current or potential investor that any information that by its characteristics could be considered as a future perspective of any kind, at no time should be assumed as true, since it is subject to risks, uncertainty and market factors and business drivers, regulatory changes that apply to E-BANGO IM, fluctuations in exchange rates and interest rates, among others. Such assumptions are based on expectations and other factors completely unrelated to

E-BANGO IM. E-BANGO IM reserves the right to update any type of information of the Content Strategy, waiving at any time any obligation related to
any information in the Content Strategy that it has published, even in cases where expectations, assumptions or projections have been modified or updated regardless of the causes.

Past results are no guarantee of future results. In no case, E-BANGO IM guarantees returns. Any potential investor must carefully consider their investment objectives and the risks involved in investing in the Funds, as well as administration costs and other expenses. Not all investment products are suitable for all types of investors. At the time of making an investment decision, any potential investor should consult with an investment professional duly certified before the competent authority and/or, if needed, with any other professional with the technical knowledge, who can provide details of all the tax, legal and financial implications of the investment with the purposes of enabling an informed investment decision. E-BANGO IM is not liable for any type of loss, damage or monetary damage or any other type of damage that may suffer any person in connection with any decisions taken based on the contents of
the Content Strategy. Therefore, any investment and / or decision taken, will be considered based on the review, validation and opinion of the person making the decision.

obligations and not obligations of result; and the money given for the acquisition of interests in Funds or products does not have the quality  of deposits and is not covered by a deposit insurance.

The value of the interest in the Fund is determined by the conditions of supply and demand, hence such value is variable due to the investment expectations and changes in market conditions.

Without prejudice to the professional quality and experience in the management of investments, the entities of E-BANGO IM manage the investment portfolio of the investors and/or the corresponding Fund at the risk of the investors.

The registration of an Investment Fund before a regulator does not imply a statement by the regulator regarding the quality or goodness of the securities. None of the regulators of the countries in which E-BANGO IM has a presence assumes any responsibility for the effectiveness of any guarantee or for the
behavior of the Funds or the products. It is the investors responsibility to be informed about the characteristics and restrictions of the Funds, the products and, if required by the applicable regulation, of the guarantee.

                                          5. Location of Disclaimers on the site

and in Social Networks The content of the information published in any media regarding the Funds and E-BANGO IM products, shall be customized to the
characteristics of the used media. For Social Networks an identifiable and visible link is included in the profile section of the Social.

Network, except for EU Funds and financial products, whose publicity in any kind of media shall contain in it the previously mentioned notes.
Hereby purpose is to include the clarifications,  explanatory notes, references or warnings necessary in a size, format, position, clarity, proportionality and relevance within the advertisement making them legible, understandable and in order to prevent them from being unnoticed. Additionally, for the radial publicity of the Chilean Funds and financial products, explicative notes shall be transmitted at the end of the commercial space, in such a waythat allows its understanding.

                                                  6. General considerations


Only for advertising that mentions the products offered in EU, and under the conditions indicated below, the following notes must shall be included and considered in the advertising by legal regulation:

1. In any advertising that promotes the sale of fees or refers to the profitability of a Fund, or some aspect of its cost structure, that is, placement fees, the
administrator's remuneration and Fund expenses or series of quotas, to be carried out by the management company, directly or through placement agents, securities intermediaries or third parties, by any means of communication, massive or
selective, Social Networks included, it is necessary to clearly and prominently indicate textually the following sentence:

"Please be informed about the
essential characteristics of the
investment in this Fund, which are
contained on its internal rules."

2. In the advertising of the Funds that, by any means of communication, massive or selective, including Social Networks, are carried out by the management company, directly or through placement agents, securities intermediaries or third parties, in which mention is made of the
profitability or variability of the value of its quotas or concepts such as security and growth, either expressly or implicitly, the following sentence must be included textually:

“The profitability or gain obtained in
the past by this Fund does not
guarantee that it will be repeated in
the future. The value of the fees of the
Funds are variable”.

3. The following must be considered:

a. When a Fund publishes average returns, whatever the period considered, these should be calculated based on
compound interest.

b. In the promotion or advertising of a Fund, projections on its profitability may not be made. The foregoing does not preclude that certain advertising material presents percentages of profitability obtained in a certain period, expressed in a monthly or annual time basis.

It is not a restriction that the advertising material includes examples regarding the finalor future profitability of an investment in installments of a Fund. This, provided that all the cases involving the reported result are presented.

c. In cases where the past performance obtained by a Fund is published, the period to which it refers must be specified and periods equal toor greater than one month may only be published. Likewise, it must indicate the profitability obtained by the Fund, at least, of the last month, quarter and year,
finished on the last day of the advertised period, if the Fund operated during the indicated periods of time. The foregoing is without prejudice to the provisions of the following numeral.

4. When the profitability of a Fund or of a specific series thereof are published for a specific period of time, compared to that obtained by a market,
industrial, sector, index, group of Funds, series of quotas, products or other references, itshould be indicated the elements which were considered to
make the comparison, for example, Fund typology, investment policy, type of main investment, etc. Likewise, in relation to said comparison, the same information must be delivered, in the same terms as those used, at least for the last month, quarter and years ended on the last day of the published period. In addition, the following warning text should be included textually:

“The risk and return on investments of
the different funds of the application,
as well as their cost structure, do not
necessarily correspond to those of the
references used in the comparison. "“The risk and return on investments of
the different funds of the application,
as well as their cost structure, do not
necessarily correspond to those of the
references used in the comparison. "

5. In addition, it is important to consider the following:

a. If the position of a Fund with respect to a ranking is published, that is, by comparing its profitability with that obtained by a group of Funds in the same period, the place occupied by the Fund in that ranking must be indicated for, at less, all required time periods.

b. If the spread of profitability by a Fund is published with respect to the average profitability achieved by a group of Funds on the same time interval, the spread of profitability of the Fund in relation to the average profitability of the same group should be indicated for at least, all the periods of time previously

c. Furthermore, the following warning text must be included, in addition to those previously required:

“The risk and return of the
investments of each of the funds in
this platform, as well as their cost
structure, do not necessarily
correspond to the same variables
of the other Funds.”

6. In the publicity that the Funds eventually make about the value of their quotas, the day to which said value is referred to, must be indicated.

7. In the advertisement of Funds that correspond to the type of structured mutual funds and that in their definition have adopted the terms

“guaranteed”, “secured”, “insured” or
others of a similar nature, the
following sentence should be
textually incorporated:
“The guarantee offered by the Fund
does not convert this investment into
a risk-free instrument. Find out about
the requirements and restrictions of
the guarantee".

8. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 3.b above, in the advertising or promotion of structured or guaranteed funds, the reference may be made to the guaranteed future profitability, as long as it is made specific to the moment, the term or other factor that said profitability is associated.

9. In those publications in which an opinion or market analysis is communicated, the following must be textually included:

“The opinions and expressions
contained may be modified without
prior notice. The result of any
investment or financial operation,
carried out with the support of the
information presented here, is the
sole responsibility of the client. "


Registration number M4102061  

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